Celebrating Thanksgiving With a New Baby

The sweet taste of candied yams, the savory smell of green bean casserole, and family around your dining room table are some of your favorite parts of Turkey Day. This year, you have another reason to love Thanksgiving Day even more: your new little one will join you at the table.
This huge feast and family day is the perfect opportunity to show your little one your favorite Thanksgiving traditions and even engage in some new ones (between naps for you and Baby). Let’s explore some top ways to celebrate Baby's first Thanksgiving, from whipping up Thanksgiving food for your baby to taking your first Turkey Day stroll with your little one.
Capitalize on Baby’s First Thanksgiving Photo Opp
Your child’s first Thanksgiving is the perfect excuse to go photography crazy without judgment. Take photos with your iPhone, or invest in professional photography. Either way, taking pictures will help you preserve memories of this day for years.
How should your little one dress for the occasion? Choose an ensemble with colors like yellow, pomegranate, and deep red. This will help capture autumn colors. Then, surround your baby with fall decor like pumpkins, acorns, and corn husks for the perfect photo opp.
Perhaps you like injecting a little humor into the holiday. Dress your baby like a Thanksgiving food item. Let your little turkey sport an adorable roast turkey costume or dress as the sweetest pumpkin pie at the table. Warning: Your photo will elicit seemingly countless likes on Facebook or Instagram. #babysfirstthanksgiving
Capture Sweet Videos
Photos aren’t enough to capture Baby's first Thanksgiving. Get videos, too. Some of the best video opps to look for include your child’s reaction to their first taste of sweet potato pie. Maybe Baby will doze off on Daddy’s tummy or start giggling uncontrollably at Uncle Fred’s silly faces. Keep your finger close to your phone’s record button so you don’t miss these moments.
Ask your visiting family members and friends to also share personal messages for your child on video. Your baby will enjoy hearing these thoughtful messages down the road.

Get a Festive Bib
Do you want to keep your little one’s Thanksgiving Day clothing clean all day? Dress them in festive bibs for Baby's first thanksgiving. Try Abiie’s Ruby Wrapp® silicone bibs in apricot, pastel yellow, and sage green colors. These vibrant bibs will keep your baby’s Thanksgiving food off their clothes while making their photos and videos even more charming.
Silicone bibs work so well because they’re gentle on babies’ skin and durable enough to withstand constant use. Abiie’s baby bibs also wrap up and come with convenient pockets for storing your baby’s utensils when you’re visiting others for Thanksgiving.
Do Holiday-Themed Crafts

Another way to celebrate your baby's first Thanksgiving is to create turkey- and fall-themed crafts with them. Get your child comfortable in a user-friendly high chair like Abiie’s Beyond Junior® Y High Chair, which you can adjust in 20 seconds. Then, break out the paint. Capture your child’s thumbprint on construction paper, and label it with the year “2023.” Repeat this for several years, placing each new thumbprint beside the previous one. This craft is a fun way to see how much your child grows from one year to year. Plus, decades from now, you’ll never forget how little they used to be.
Introduce New Foods
The Beyond Junior Y High Chair is also perfect for introducing your child to Thanksgiving baby food. The best foods for Baby's first Thanksgiving include mashed potatoes, pumpkin puree, carrots, green beans, turkey pieces, and cranberry sauce. Serve them in durable baby dishes like Abiie’s suction plates, which will remain stationary on their high chair tray no matter how tempted your child is to send them flying.
Draft a Thanksgiving Letter For Baby
Baby's first Thanksgiving will likely be a sentimental day for you. Tell your little one how you feel about them in a letter, and give them this letter as a gift when they’re older. Your letter may emphasize how thankful you are to be their parent and your favorite moments with them on Turkey Day. Don’t forget to attach a photo of the two of you to the letter. Ten or 20 years from now, you’ll be grateful you created this letter, and so will your child.
Enjoy the Macy’s Parade
Is watching Macy’s parade on Thanksgiving Day a favorite Turkey Day tradition for your family? Let your child join in on the fun this year. They’ll love seeing the bright balloons, inflatables, and marching bands in action.
Develop a New Activity-Based Tradition
Start a new tradition for Baby's first Thanksgiving revolving around the outdoors. Go on a walk at your local park after you and Baby have eaten Thanksgiving food. It’s an excellent way for you to work off those Thanksgiving calories while giving you and Baby some fresh air on a cool day. Make the walk easier with Abiie’s Huggs® Baby Carrier. This ergonomic carrier will let you tow your little one in various carrying positions (e.g., back and front). It’s designed to provide all-day comfort for your back and waist while being a soothing safe space for your little one.
Prep For Baby’s First Thanksgiving With Abiie’s Help
Our store at Abiie® is filled with high-quality, practical, and modern products for children and their parents. Whether you’re looking for a high chair, bib, dish, or carrier for Baby's first Thanksgiving, we’ve got you covered. Our durable products will last for years and are eco-friendly, making them perfect for today’s environmentally conscious parents. We also offer replacement parts, so you never have to worry about them losing their functionality.
We at Abiie® pride ourselves on offering top-tier customer service as well. Do you have any questions about our products? We’d gladly answer them and help you choose the right products for your and your baby’s needs. Contact us to learn more about our offerings, and experience the Abiie® difference this Thanksgiving!