The Art of Motherhood

Motherhood is an unseen journey—a story written moment by moment, both in times of joy and struggle. It's in the tender cuddles, 2 AM feedings, and kissing away tears. It's the burst of pride as they learn to crawl, say "mama," and head to kindergarten. Motherhood is an art that takes patience, selflessness, ingenuity, and a bottomless supply of love. As we celebrate this coming Mother’s Day, we want to highlight these unseen moments. Join Erin, Jennifer, and Joanna as they share insights into their unseen experiences, offering a deeper look into the everyday triumphs and trials of parenting.

Meet Erin Martin a mama of five!
She wears many hats as an at-home mom, homeschool teacher, dance teacher, and social media manager.
Q: What's one aspect of motherhood you feel isn't talked about enough, and why do you think it's important to share?
A: I think that there are appropriate times to show your children the emotions you're having about certain situations, it's ok to show them you're not perfect and that you have struggles and flaws that you are aware of AND working on.
Q: Can you share a 'parenting hack' that you discovered by accident but now can't live without?
A: Parenting Hack: pay attention to your reactions...especially in public. Ask yourself if you are more concerned about being embarrassed of your child's actions or the well-being of your child and what your child needs. It will help you evaluate your reactions!
Q: Have you ever had a 'mom fail' moment that you can laugh about now? What happened?
A: I'm a natural-minded mom whenever I can be. I like to give our kiddos supplements regularly and I had this brilliant idea of putting a not-so-great-tasting vitamin in hot chocolate...The kids kept saying "It's yucky", "It tastes gross" ... I thought the chocolate would cover up the taste...then I tried it and I could have thrown up, haha it was so disgusting. I never made high-vitamin C hot chocolate again!
Q: Can you describe when one of our products helped you create a memorable moment with your child?
A: Our daughter Genevieve loves sign language. We have been able to utilize the Abiie high chair as a comfortable, fun, and safe place for her to sit and have a great learning space for her. We have been able to make several videos with her in her chair especially when she was 2 until now.
Q: If you were to recommend one of our products to a new parent, which would it be and why?
A: The high chair because it will grow with your child...and let's be honest the older kids always want to sit in the little seats, haha, and this high chair can hold them!
Be sure to follow Erin & her family @Theupsidedownfamily!

Meet Jennifer, a stay-at-home mom to four children!
Q: What's one aspect of motherhood you feel isn't talked about enough, and why do you think it's important to share?
A: One aspect of motherhood that I feel isn't talked about enough is postpartum self-care. It is crucial to take minutes out of the day to do something small for yourself. In the first few months of having a baby, it can be overwhelming so taking even a few seconds out of the day to breathe, read, or eat a snack while someone takes care of the baby for you will be great for your mental health. It’s like a mind reset each time!
Q: Have you ever had a 'mom fail' moment that you can laugh about now? What happened?
A: Of course! I’ve had a lot of ‘mom fail’ laughable moments. One that stands out in particular is when I had my son. I remember being so exhausted, but it was his feeding time so I had to get up! I remember walking in the direction of where my son's bassinet was, but instead, I walked right into the wall. I must've still been asleep while walking.
Q: How has your identity or sense of self evolved since becoming a mother?
A: Since becoming a mother my identity has shifted to having a strong sense of fulfillment and purpose. It’s as if this newfound role of being a mother has told me that this is what I was meant to do. It’s hard to explain, but it’s more like a feeling. Like when you know, you just know and I feel like being a mom is what I was put on this Earth to do.
Q: In what unexpected ways have you found Abiie products to be a game-changer in your family’s life?
A: With children of various ages in our home (1 year to 15 years old), it can be difficult to find one product that will be useful for more than one child. I’ve found the ‘Beyond Junior Y High Chair’ by Abiie to be a game changer because it can be used from infancy to adulthood. With that feature, I know I will get many uses out of the high chair.
Q: If you were to recommend one of our products to a new parent, which would it be and why?
A: I’d recommend the ‘Beyond Junior Y High Chair’ to new moms and moms with multiple children. This is a product that can grow with your child and/or children. I love products that you can get multiple uses out of and this high chair does that and more.
Stay up to date with Jennifer & her family and follow them at @raisingthesuttons!

Say hi to Joanna! She has 3 kids and is a homemaker and part-time cattle rancher.
Q: How has your identity or sense of self evolved since becoming a mother?
A: I think I functioned so individually before becoming a mother and I have grown into more of a community-minded person who looks at how I can offer who I am to those around me and support and love them rather than just keeping to myself all the time. I’ve become less selfish and more giving and open with the world.
Q: What's one aspect of motherhood you feel isn't talked about enough, and why do you think it's important to share?
I think most moms will go through a time in the early years when they don’t recognize themselves or feel lost in motherhood. I would want moms to know how normal that is and that if you give yourself grace and time, you will find yourself again and be different, but the change will be beautiful.
Q: Looking back, what advice would you give yourself as a new mom, especially regarding parenting tools and products?
A: Invest in the best from the start wherever you can. You might feel like you’re saving money by buying the cheapest option but it won’t last for all of the kids you’ll have.
Q: Can you share a memorable 'mom fail' that you can laugh about now?
A: I can laugh about many mom fails, but most recently I was out and about with my son who was newly potty trained and I forgot to check in with him while we were in the store. We got to the car and I had all three kids in their car seats and he told me he had to pee right now! The parking lot was packed and I couldn’t get all the kids into the store in time so I grabbed my empty mason jar from my morning coffee and told him to pee in it. It all turned out fine and I can laugh about it now but at the moment it felt like an epic mom fail 😂
Q: In what unexpected ways have you found Abiie products to be a game-changer in your family’s life?
A: My 14-month-old thinks she’s as old as her 3-year-old sister and 5-year-old brother so she hasn’t enjoyed sitting in high chairs at all and wants to sit in a real chair, which is messy, stressful, and distracting. When we started using the Beyond Junior Y high chair she felt more included in mealtime since she could be right with us at the table and it’s definitely made mealtime easier!
Q: If you were to recommend one of our products to a new parent, which would it be and why?
A: I would recommend the Beyond Junior Y high chair. I’ve used so many high chairs over the years and truly none compare. It is such a good investment in a solid eating routine for my child. It’s sturdy and stylish and will grow with us.
Follow Joanna’s journey at @thecasamagana!